The health and safety of you, your family and our craftsmen is our highest priority during this time.
While we cannot control the severity or unpredictability of this virus, we can take preventive measures to limit the spread and impact of COVID-19. We are currently acting with prudence in our day-to-day operation with basic preventative safety measures following the guidance set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other health agencies. Here are our expectations for our craftsman and how you can help us also.
What to expect when your craftsman visits your home:
• As always, if your craftsman has a known illness, they will not visit your home.
• For your health and safety, your craftsman has been advised to not shake hands.
• Your craftsman will keep a safe distance (6 feet) from you and others in your home, as much as he can.
• Your craftsman will use hand sanitizer before entering your home or business.
• Your craftsman has been requested to follow the appropriate procedures when working on site, including taking precautions and following CDC guidelines.
What you can do:
- Prior to scheduling your craftsman to visit your home, we would like you to consider these questions:
Is anyone in your home currently sick or quarantined?
Has anyone in your home been in direct contact with anyone with the COVID-19 Virus?
Are there any other risks for COVID-19 at your home we should know about such as travel, etc.